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Current Status

Interdiction is a single player mobile game allowing you to live your dreams of space piracy by targeting and stealing cargo from traveling space craft in a generic sci-fi setting. As the game currently stands you can search the map for ships to interdict and carefully choose your targets before spending Command Points (CP) to give orders to your fleet. There are some basic upgrades to make interdictions easier (or even possible with some types of ship) plus give you CP at a faster rate.

Future Plans

I plan to add a proper fleet and hanger mechanic to Interdiction allowing the player to purchase more ships and upgrade both their hanger and individual ships. This will give the player a lot more strategic options, especially if I eventually add the option to send multiple ships to interdict one target. The map will also be expanded further so it is much larger, although it will always be the same layout. NPC ships right now have no purpose, they spawn and they randomly travel the map. However they are persistent. I plan to make NPC spawning and destinations have a reason. Like making a trade or going to defend or attack a specific planet. This should give a lot more life to the universe and give more strategic value to attacking certain ships. Likewise I plan to add some very basic economy in the universe. Where each planet has a produce and something it requires. Again I hope this gives some life to the universe and makes the game seem a little more dynamic. Lastly I would like to consider giving the player an option to trade themselves. However that wouldn’t be the primary focus of the game, so for now it’s a “Nice to have” feature.